Saturday, June 17, 2017

Stuck in a rut

So much has happened in the last 8 years. Life has gone on.And my fitness/weight loss goals took a backseat....still the same issues worsened by the age factor. Am in my forties now so need to start focusing on the health aspect.

My weight went up to 185 in the last few years. I had no adverse effects in terms of health but it used to be difficult finding clothes which fit well. I had no motivation to lose weight. I had friends, co-workers, acquaintances politely indicating that I should take one step at a time to move forward and how, if I don't at this time, I will see the adverse impact on health later in life. Nothing worked. There was no motivation. I wasn't depressed, nor was I motivated to take a step, didn't feel like I had to. Why?

Well, in case you are wondering, I still don't have the answer to the why, but I did make a change. More on it tomorrow...

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