Sunday, June 18, 2017

Intro to Keto

Back in summer of 2016, my hair stylist mentioned a diet she was following to lose weight. She was 135 lbs trying to go down to 120 lbs, so I silently rolled my eyes in my head. She lost me further when she mentioned that she has coffee with butter every day. I didn't ask her more questions and politely told her that I don't believe in fad diets and have promised myself that will not try one. Fast forward to October. I was bored and a bit tired of my weight which I was subconsciously thinking would just go away and surprisingly (not) hadn't. So I asked her about the diet again. And asked her how it was different from the infamous Atkin's diet. She patiently explained it to me and I said I will give it a shot. No harm, right?

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