Friday, April 3, 2009

This is hard.

So this food logging business is hard, but I will do it , as I said I would.

Bkfst:7.30AM: Oatmeal bowl + one cup milk+ half banana

Snack:930Am: one string cheese

Lunch: crackers 10, one tortilla, 2 tbsps black beans, 2 cookies, all had while chatting with a friend who was visiting with her 7yo.

Dinner: here things got out of hand. Family is visiting for the weekend, so while cooking dinner at 6pm, I got hungry and ate a bowl of rice and red kidney beans, thinking that I would not eat when they were here, I dont know what that logic was.

ANyway , after that had another bowl of rice, red beans, some cauliflower, thankfully the portions were small.

But then followed with a slice of the most scrumptious, sinfully decadent chocolate cake. It was so rich, my 14yo , who normallly can gobble up the whole thing, left some on her plate. This was followed with tea.

And now I am sitting here at 12midnight, logging my days gluttony, because I cant sleep , because I am so short of breath because of my allergies. The good part about keeping a blog is that I can go into the archives and read the logs for April2008, when I had a similar episode. So nothing to worry, I will be back on the road again.

March 2009 actually went better than March2008, I ran more. Hopefully will be able to say the same for APril. But first I have to get better.

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