Thursday, April 2, 2009

The first day...

...of the rest of my weight loss year.

April 1st, first day of my re-resolution to lose weight. Realised that I have been making a fool of myself all these years, and yesterday was the same.

No exercise, no time to run, or do the elliptical, could have done some free weights, but...

Food log:
Bkfst- 7.30AM- Oatmeal and milk and half banana.

Meal?-1.30PM, went to the local grocery store, rewarded myself with a 250cal bag of M&Ms. Why? because poor me had made a groccery run. Actually remembered I would be logging food intake today when I ate the first M&M, but didnt have enough resistance to stop after a few. But why do I need a reward? and can it be non-food related?

At home, during the afternoon, inhaled peanuts, 15 crackers with hummus, some dry mango, 2 slices of an apple. 2 bags of the 100 calories cookies which DH got despite my requesting him not to.

Dinner- 6.30PM to 8.30 PM, 2 bread slices with zucchini, 1 dry tortilla with hummus, some more peanuts. Tea, cookies.

Total calories, >2000. Limited fresh fruit, no exercise.

And today, April 2nd, is more of the same.
No time to exercise.

Bkfst: bowl of honey oat cereal with milk and half banana.

snack: 4 crackers.

lunch: 2 slices of bread and zuchhini.

snack: half apple plus some peanuts, one string cheese.

Dinner: dont know yet, maybe an egg sandwich.

Low calorie, zero nutrition day, if I do as I say and dont hog more at dinnertime.

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