Sunday, April 5, 2009


just so that I remember for all the years to follow, I get bad allergies starting mid-march and carrying into April. So next year have to start with the anti-allergic med in FEb itself.

No cardio today, just 10-15 min of free weights, cant even do the ab-work because so short of breath. Tomorrow will try and go out, take a cetrizine and run out in the mrning. I mean I cant spend the month inside, can I?

Bkfst: one bread slice + one egg scrambled + tea

Lunch: 2 bread slices + cup of mixed veggies + half cup red beans

Snack: 2-4 cookies( all broken pieces)

Dinner: cup of cereal and milk

Six glasses of water with lemon and honey in the vain hope it will make me feel better faster.

Dont be fooled by the above log, this is not normal, this is just because I am so short of breath and feeling all yucked out, I am sure I will eat triple these amts once I start feeling better. All these pounds didnt come on by following the above food plan. I dont have to remind myself that I have to log in the food amts. because I am just not taking in much.

Off tommorow, will try and run outside.

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