...which is easy to be. Since I dont do much normally and when I do do something which I was supposed to be doing anyway, its a good thing.
I was supposed to run/walk 4 miles today. Today is the beginning of my 16-week program to a half-marathn in May2009. Well, it was raining, so I decided to move indoors on the elliptical or treadmill. I dont like our t-mill, so the elliptical was the torture of choice. Then I had to take my 7yo for her activity of the day and an hour later the 14yo for soccer practice. I also had to cook and do some minor picking-up-stuff around the house.
It was 7.20 pm by the time I dropped the last girl at her house and turned towards mine. At this point I was just thinking of changing into my nightclothes and burrowing under the comforters. It was cold,damp, foggy, end of the day, one day of missing exercise wouldnt matter much,I am hungry, as it is even with exercise I am not losing much, etc,etc,etc.
And then I saw her. Imagine a typical old black and white movie scene- your car stops at the stop-sign, its raining, you can see the raindrops under the golden light of the lamp-post and then, instead of a handsome guy/beautiful girl,a middle aged lady passes under the lamp, walking slowly, but clearly for exercise. And that scene touched me more than my DH calling me'fatso'. If she can do it in all the above conditions, so could I! Came home, fed the 14yo, made tea for the DH, helped the 7yo send email to all her friends and family and got on the elliptical for a full 47 min,3miles,450calorie session. Finished at 8:45, had enough time to shower, snack and sleep.
Yay meeee!!
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