So this was the heading for a news flash at the bottom of the homepage. And ofcourse I read it. And it said that size 14 women were the happiest, while size 6 came at the bottom of the list. Wow!! So all this effort I am trying to do to reach a size 6 is useless? This is the happiest I will ever be??
I know why they(whoever 'they' is ) came to this conclusion. See, at a size 14, I have so much to do to reach a goal of size 6. Firstly, I have a goal. Then I exercise and diet to reach that goal. For that, I first surf the web or the library aisles for all sorts of types of exercise and diet. Then I try those one by one. Its not as simple as it sounds. All this takes time., Trying out each new fad diet or exercise program and discarding it, going into a funk when things dont work and teying to get out of that funk. So all this keeps a size 14 busy and therefore happy.
Now look at a size 6- what does she have to do? Nothing. She is at her ideal weight and has a program set in place to keep her there, so that frees up a lot of hours in her day. What does she do with those?? Idle mind, Devil's workshop!
Have you ever read the comments of a person who's completed a long journey e.g. climbing the Mt. Everest or finishing a long race? They all say the journey was more enjoyable and fulfilling than the final destination. So for a Size 14, the journey from being an overweight person to a slim-trim sz 6 is emotionally satisfying and therefore makes her happy.
Ok, all that was said in jest. Who knows who these people are, or the science behind these facts. And who says science is always right, maybe I am the sz 14 unhappy with her weight and therefore trying to lose it. Tho I still feel its easier to climb a mountain than to lose weight. And I am always right!!
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