Thursday, April 9, 2009

Man proposes,

and God disposes.

Had thought I would do elliptical today and start running tomorrow. But no time today for the elliptical, and still having the dry cough. And tomorrow, the landscaper is coming at 7AM with samples of some lawn grass. So no movement for the last 2 weeks!

Bkfst: one cup cereal + one cup milk + half banana
Lunch: 2 slices bread + one scrambled egg
Snacks: Tea + 2 packages of the nutterbutter peanut cookies
Dinner: 2 cups rice + 2 cups black beans, maybe more because did 'help'7yo finish her dinner too- all that helping others out is showing up on my belly

The above is accurate, so lets see how we can do a meal makeover.

5 servings of veggies and fruits: NO,not enough, unless you take the black beans as legumes which gets them some veggie points.
Dairy: Some milk in the tea, and one cup on the cereal
3 cups should be daily total
Whole grains: the bread covers that- its whole wheat. But should be changing the white rice to brown
Protein: I think the egg and black beans and milk covers that
Carbs: too many with the rice- cut down to one cup, cut down the bread to one slice, but then I am so 'hungary'!!
Fat; everything is made in olive oil
Processed foods: oh those packs of nutterbutter cookies, isnt one sufficient?

So that shows my pathetic knowlege of food and nutrition, the reason why I am not losing weight, and how much improvement I need to make.

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