So the days I dont exercise or blog seem like 'eat what u want' days. Yesterday and today I didnt start the blog post in the morning as I normally do and just went on a feeding rampage.
Bkfst: one scrambled egg + slice of wheat bread
After 2 mile run snack: cereal + cup of milk
Lunch: Felt so cold after the run that ate indiscriminately to feel warmer-
3 sweets + 6 crackers + atleast 3 pancakes- kids woke up late so this was their breakfast.
Snack: went to GB's house which is a hub for food , all sorts of snacks with numerous cups of tea- mainly cookies.
Dinner: will be a slice of bread and garbanzo beans- I want something salty after all that sugar. Hope can leave it at that and not go overboard.
Disclaimer: the comment at the last post is by someone pushing pills and powders to lose weight. I absolutly do not endorse such products and believe that eating right and exercise is the way to lose and keep off the weight. I will try and get that post removed if possible.
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