Monday, April 27, 2009


with myself. April is officially declared a no-exercise month- managed to do only 11 days so far = 38miles. So sad.
And I am not doing the half-M this weekend. How can I? barely ran this whole month and still, when do any kind of exertion , end up panting and choking.
So not feeling good about the whole scenario. Hopefully May will be better in terms of exercise and diet.
No weight loss either, was hoping to lose the one pound per month I have been.

May 2009:
Start again. R/W 2-3 miles/3 days a week, Elliptical 45min/2 days a week, free weights 2 days a week, stretch every morning 10 min atleast. Move more during the day. Just cannot let all the gains I made over the last yeaar so easily, even if they were miniscule.

This is just a phase, it will pass on.


Mike said...

Hey now, hang in there and keep on keeping on. You will find your way. We all go through cycles and ups and downs. Tomorrow you just do the best you can and enjoy the journey....

Carla Cunningham said...

I can relate to this article as I know from first hand experience just how hard it is to lose weight, and to maintain it. I wrote a book called `Alone in the Storm,’ which has recently been published, and it is about an overweight woman who subconsciously put on the weight to protect herself from being hurt by love. She struggles with her weight problems, and in the end she manages to overcome them, but not before she learns some important lessons in life, and realizes that in order to find love, you have to first love yourself.

Carla Cunningham, Leeds UK
Published Book Author of Alone in the Storm (I’m on FBook)
The website for my book is -

Anonymous said...

I guess disappointment is no room for running. Run happily and having fun with it. Forget the problem and give your best run.
