Saturday, December 20, 2008

ON again

No loss at all, just am glad the scale didnt show a gain, esp after all this binging.
Yest, I did do the elliptical for 35 min, it showed a calorie burn of 350 cal, which I know is absolutly wrong, because I barely broke a sweat. Went on line to all the elliptical sites and apparently you do burn close to 720 cal per one hour on the elliptical. So now am planning to add that on to my workout schedule, maybe 20-30 min while watching T.V.
Before the workout tho, I made some comfort food-rice and lentils for me. And after the workout, had 2 bowls of the rice-lentils-veggie goodness. Nothing beats a bowl heaped with hot rice, and that is the major cause of my humongous tummy. I have tried switching to brown rice, but find it so chewy and hard, maybe, its the way I make it. Will try again.

Today walked to GB'S house, with my 7yo- the distance I cover in 20 min took 30 min, and coming back maybe 40 min, because the little lady was tired. On the way back she wanted to carry the 2pd weights from GB's house, who do u think carried those after the first few steps?

So , no change to report, hovering around the same 2pound loss I had in the first month. I was hoping to see some change this time, but have enough experience with weight loss and gain to know that would be impossible this time.

Waiting for the new year to start, then back on schedule to run the half-marathon in May. Maybe that will kick-start my weight loss, I havent run in 2 weeks, so maybe thats why the pounds are still holding onto me.

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