Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dec21 - Dec 30

No change to report, no gain or loss. So net loss in 2 months is 2-3 pounds , which might just be the water weight. Now I have to lose 33 pounds in 10 months, which means 3.3pds per month. See how it comes up to 15 pds a month!!

No exercise today, and no food log either. Again got caught in the habit of waiting to start a new diet/exercise program on the 1st of a month/week.

But i did use my time somewhat wisely. I decluttered today. Heres why:
Its a fact that we use only 20% of our belongings 80% of the time.
Theres a theory that clutter and excess weight/fat go hand in hand.
My theory is that I eat out of boredom, theres nothing to do , so lets stand in the pantry and gorge on whatever there is-ricecrackers with peanut butter with peanuts with chocolate chips because there are no cookies or chocolate left...anything goes.
Its the end of the year and I like to start my new year with a clean slate, in this case, a clean closet/bathroom cabinets/pantry.

So I started with the bathroom cabinets and got out all my unused makeup/ creams/toothbrushes and half used toothpastes, dried tubes of lipcolor and unrecognisable bottles of nailcolor. All those creams bought almost a year ago which promised I would look 30 instead of 40 and which i didnt use after the first week because obviously that claim was totally false and nothing could prevent my real age from showing on my face unless I suddenly woke up as a 40 year old hollywood actress!

Then I moved onto the closet which is filled with clothes from sizes 10-14. And I took a vow - I will not buy a single piece of clothing for the next 6 months- not another t-shirt or fleece to lounge in or pants for work or socks or workout clothes - nothing. This is ridiculous!- I have enough to last a lifetime. I admit none of it is what I love but I cant love these till I either accept myself at the weight i am or do something about it.

And since I am trying to do something about this weight, I can wait to see if I will have any good results in the next 6 months, maybe I will be a size smaller and then the shopping trip will be all the more sweeter!

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