Friday, October 31, 2008

Last day of 2008 goal

And we had already acheived it. Love, just love remembering that day. Conversation is peppered with'but I am a marathon finisher!!!!'

Today did a r/w with DH of 5 miles. The old body is still not back to functioning. Actually felt a bit faint after a hill which had done numerous times before. In my minds eye I am running smoothly, rhythmically, covering miles and miles with little effort. The reality is the harsh gasps of breath I take in after each minute of effort.

But all in good time. Now onward and forward to goal for 2009- to lose 36 by oct 31 2009. Will have to keep repeating this to myself everyday, every hour because this is one goal attempted hundreds of times and then left unfinished. Will keep writing about it till get sick of the complaints and actually do something about it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Easy day

Went to the park for an hour, walked for 15 min and the rest 40 just played with my 7yo around the playstructure. It had a 6 foot rock climbing wall, which I did a couple of times, even tho the footholds were made for size 2 shoes and not size 8 worn by a 160 pounder person. Rock climbing would be a good thing to pursue, I used my upper body and abs, am sure tomorrow will hurt in the arms, havent used these muscles in a long time.

There is a rockclimbing wall 5 miles from our house and when GB returns, maybe we can do some sessions there- will have to keep this in mind.

All day long keep thinking about my goal of -36 in 365. Have got a book from the library on mindless eating, want to walk and run, but no time in the morning as its so dark and as it is I am supposed to take it easy for 26 days after a marathon- not that I am having any trouble with that.

November 1 2008 will start off -36 in 365. Will have GB put in the weight loss counter and then GO For It!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nov2008-Nov2009 Challenge and goals

Thought loong and hard. Finally came to a decision.

365 days to lose 36 pounds. Learn to eat right, train for the two half marathons for the exercise. Lifestyle changes.

Break it up into 3 pounds a month, a pound every 10 days.

The only problem with this is, that usually I forget that I am trying to 'lose weight' by the second evening, so that when the weigh-in day rolls around, I havent lost an oz. Then I tell myself, Lose 2 pounds in the next 10 days, which is still doable. Does not happen due to whatever reason and I am left with trying to lose 3 pounds in 10 days by which time I give up. Anyway, lets give it one more shot.

The basics:

I am 40 this year, have some hypothyroidism which I am in denial about, so not on meds, cholesterol etc OK except for the good HDL which is low, BMI of 29.3, calculated this morning on 'msn health guide' so this puts me at the edge of being obese. Love to eat, anything and everything tho' am a vegetarian. Downfall is sweets, packaged, easy to open processed foods. And the worst time of the day when I eat mindlessly is as soon as I step into the house after picking up the kids. They get healthy snacks of milk and cereal/peaches and plums, while I raid the pantry for cookies and chips.

Dont mind the exercise part, aim to exercise 5-6 days a week tho' putting in the requisite 90 min to lose weight might become difficult. Am very friendly with the couch esp after work, zone out in front of the T.V frequently. Love to read, therefore have all the basic knowledge to lose wieight and be healthy, but the 'doing' part is difficult for me.

Why do I want to lose weight? Would like to look good for once, tho realise that weight is only one part of looking good. Would like to be healthy for old age, want to be independant at whatever ripe old age I reach, and so far all the healthy 80 year olds I have seen are at the lower end of the BMI. This past year of doing somewhat regular exercise has shown me that the days I move are the days I feel good. No ankle pains or knee pains or feeling bloated. And I know that losing some of the flab will help with the running times.

Nowadays the first step to losing weight is to go into the psychological details as to WHY one gained it in the first place. Thats too intense for me right now, so I will start with baby steps.
And GB will be with me thru'out- this is a challenge for both of us. Tho' it'll be harder for her-shes on vacation, all the better for me to lose fast;)

DAys 1-10:

Focus on the afternoon snacking. I will have cereal/leftovers. No food which I have to open a packet for. So plan to cook extra at dinnertime.
Drink water first thing as I enter the house. Make tea, eat the food with the kids and then focus on the chores etc.
R/W according to schedule, i.e. T/Th/Sat: R/W, M/W/Sun: XT-weights/yoga, F: off

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Walked 3.5m/60min, same area as yesterday. Just very relaxed, tried to fit in some fast intervals , but mainly just looking around the houses, fall colors, horses and other runners and walkers.

I enjoyed today, no pressure.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Start off again

Had to take my 14yo for soccer at 7AM. Normally I would curse everyone around and sullenly take her for the game. Today , like the marathoner I am, I got ready with her and did a 42min/2.7m R/W session in the neighbourhood. Heard a rooster after a long time. And saw some beautiful horses. Nice start to a morning, nice start back into the running business.

Was talking to one of the moms who runs fast and long, and yes, I did just mention that I ran a marathon, how could I pass this oppurtunity to brag. She looked at me with her eyes wide 'you ran a marathon?!?!' So I backed up a bit and said I walked more than I ran and the pace was slow. I dont know how to put this but she seemed rather sad that she cant do that distance because she injured herself some time ago.

That is the one thing I dont understand, the marathon is a doable distance,( OK maybe those are my post marathon endorphins speaking,) but as long as you keep your speed slow. My DH says the same thing , that he wouldnt be able to manage the distance. I think one can do the 26.2 as long as one does it slowly and gradually and humbly . If you go in rushing at 12mph and then hurt yourself, whats the fun.

Yeah, I am ready for the second one, I have already forgotton the agony of the first!!

When I look back on that day, the parts I remember the most are walking alongside the oceon, the waves, the grandson walking with his granny, the husband urging his wife on to take some more steps, the TNT coach helping this first time marathoner, GB and her observations, her incredulity at actually doing this marathon.

Now that we are done, its been a week, I didnt want to sit back and let this feeling of having a goal each year move on, so went over a couple of ideas.
No, not mountain climbing, tho I did go over a couple of sites, its too expensive and time consuming.

Actually the family has barred me from even thinking of another marathon because of the time factor. So I have to limit myself to half-marathons or run faster. To that end, am planning to do a half in May and another in Nov. 2009- the Big Sur Half-marathon in Montrey. Please note it is NOT the Big Sur International marathon which is the most scenic and should be done once atleast in a lifetime but which has such elevation that I think I will cover the distance atleast once, in a car!

Had been thinking of a duathlon, but havent been on a bike since high school, dont have one at present. GB is on a sabbatical and therefore out of the state for atleast a couple of months so we cant decide with the bikes and training yet. I think I will do the basic research about bikes, the training required etc till the end of the year and then think about a bike tour or duathlon later.

Had actually toyed with the idea of a goal to lose 36 pounds in 365 days. But gave that one up, have wasted too many years with that one goal of losing weight, and fell flat on my face. Its a very bad feeling to know that at the end of 365 days I have nothing to show for my efforts- or actually too much to show!! Sometimes I feel I can do 10 marathons in a year and that would still be easier than losing weight. But as I am writing this, the thought comes that if it is so hard, thats a challenge, and so shouldnt I try it. Maybe one last try to get rid of this flab.

I dont know. So things are still a bit fluid. However, I have a rough plan about the running/walking. Nov/Dec 2008 I will try and get upto R5/W1, start training for the MAy half-M in jan 2009, with an aim of getting my time down to 3h instead of 3h21min. And then a repeat training for NOv 2009 half-M starting in june2009.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Some more thoughts

Thanks, Tamara and Harvey for the wishes. We appreciate those.

Just a few more thoughts. I keep going over the M-day. And I keep bringing it up in every conversation I have with the family, to the extent that my DH says he would do a marathon just so I could stop bragging. But see, by then I would run another one, so I would still be ahead of him,ha!

Was thinking, even tho there were more hills than stated, they didnt slow us down at all. Our average pace thruout the marathon was around 15.30minmile, and the slowest was the last one 15.92minmile. We never went beyond 16 min at any time. And now looking back the hills didnt seem that diffcult. I think we really went down the hills hard because now the quads are hurting more than the hamstrings.

I just want to savor this feeling as long as I can, already some tiny thought will come in mind to stop me- hey that day is done, its gone, what next? And I bring it back to M-day, enjoy for atleast this week. By next week I should decide on my next year goal and start planning for it.

Do you have any ideas??

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goal Accomplished!!!

Goal to complete in 365 days- marathon- run/walk/crawl/complete/finish a marathon, distance of 26.2miles- WE DID IT!!!!

NIke Women's Marathon 2008- 26.2 miles- 6hr51min- were not the fastest but neither the lastest.

Went to SF on Oct 18th2008, checked in in the hotel, GB had booked a lovely room, then walked down 5 blocks, (since the hotel is on California and Powell, up on 3 hills from Geary street), to Union square to attend the EXPO. This is our first marathon, our first experience, so everything was perfect for us. We picked up our bags, got the jamba juice smoothies, tested the oxygen shots which were basically scented oxygen delivered thru the nasal drips, didnt get the manicure because of the long lines, and why have the acetone smelling manicure station next to the oxygen station??

Had decided to go to the room only after 6pm so as not to spoil the rhythm. Went to WEstfield mall, caught the movie'Burn after reading' which I liked even tho had some pretty gross humor, just because was so relaxed. Ate some pasta and gelato, some hot chocolate and coffee and then took the tram up Powell street to our hotel.

By 7 pm was so sleepy, I think I was sleeping by 7.30 pm and GB said she too went off by 8pm. Had the best 8 hours of sleep in my life. For the first time a hotel bed was so comfy, or maybe it was my perception.

Woke up at 4.30 AM, and slowly started getting ready. GB was the one making the tea and keeping things in order while I just listened to the news on CNN. Basically she was doing what I do when DH and I travel with the kids!! Ate a banana, drank some tea, lots of water.

Walked out of the hotel at 620 AM, there were many others like us. Walked down to union square, very slowly so as not to hurt the knees at the last minute. There was a huge crowd, thats an understatement, 20,000 is HUGE!! We went to use a restroom in one of the nearby hotels. Everyone seemed nervous and excited, were stretching and taking pictures, yakking and yelling. Amazing! SO many women of all shapes and sizes. Lots of TNT participants.

The race started at 7 AM exactly and we were off, got our foot on the mat 7 min later. The first 11 miles, till the half-M seperated from the marathoners seemed like a party.Women in tutus of rainbow colors, or knee length socks or those funny headbands, with i=pods and without, fat and thin, short and tall, think of a category and it was there. Nothing seemed out of place. As the half-M could finish in the alloted 7 hours, there were these groups of ladies yakking and screaming and laughing all the way. As soon as we seperated from them the mood got all serious, and there was greater distance between the participants. So I kept trying to motivate myself and GB to go faster than the one before us.

Miles 1-3 were great, we were at 14minmile pace, and in a crowd it is difficult to monitor oneself, so maybe we went faster than intended. Walkers faster than us, runners slower than us, TNT supporters lining the streets, general supporters for heir families. Then came the hills. Later one of the participants was saying they had more hills this time. Anyway they seemed more and earlier than the 5 we had counted on the course map. We walked up all the hills. Later on we ran alongside the Pacific oceon- that was the highlight for me- to run alongside one of the 7 oceons of the world, the beaches all nice and sandy instead of rocky, surfer dudes in black in the white waves. For a moment I wanted to have a house along the beach, to be able to come for a walk along the beach everyday!

God was really kind to us in terms of the weather, thru'out no major winds, no sun at all, low 50's so that at the end I had to wear my jacket. Every thing was so perfect - GB said she will never do a marathon again simply because these conditions just cant been replicated. It was as if nothing could go wrong.Amazing.

Miles 4-7 again had some hills, passed thru a community with the cutest houses imaginable, houses with character, each house different from the rest, smaller than the Mcmansions in the suburbs. Small lawns, people standing outside waving us on. Got orange slices at this point, so refreshing.

Made a restroom stop at 9 mile, which was a mistake because had to stand in line for 8-10 min, and didnt really have to go. Could have gone at mile 12 after the half marathoners had left us and there were no lines, but who knew? That was another good thing, that was the only potty break we had to take.

Miles 13 thru 14 was nice and easy, GB had been complaining of a new ankle pain, she had already taken a motrin at mile 8 and now we saw a first aid station where we asked the person to give us a bandage to wrap the ankle. He instead wanted GB to sit and have her ankle examined. No way man!! we were already lagging by 7 min and GB felt that she didnt need medical help for her ankle just yet.

Miles 15-19 was a long stretch along side the Pacific going towards Lake Merced. We had to finish 18.75 miles before 5 hours, that was the cutoff, mentioned maybe once in the information about the marathon, but in small print , which everyone misses. So now the volunteers urged us to hurry and cross the 18.75 mark soon, which we did with 15 min to spare, thankfully.

The route around Lake Merced was much maligned in the marathon reviews at but we didnt find it as bad. However GB was losing steam here, and I kept telling everyone around about'mind over matter' and how 'the body covers the first 20 miles but the mind covers the last 6.2.' GB kept urging me to go on faster if my speed allowed it but I was actually quite spent too. I changed over from R2/W2 to 40steps running and 80 walking. I had to concentrate on the counting instead of the pains and aches so that helped.

Met a lady from Michigan and we talked about AnnArbor and Troy for 2 min, then got the Giaredelli chocolates at mile 23, GB was a bit behind and I was worried thet we would not be able to make up the lost 7 min. So I asked one of the TNT volunteers if I would get the finishers necklace even if we passes the 6.5hr mark. She said"Sure, you paid for it, by God, they better give it to you!!" That was a big relief so I sat on the sidewalk and stretched my aching thigh and hip muscles. GB caught on, I told her the good news, that we could finish in 7 hours, which turned out to be not such a good idea afterall, because then we both slowed down.

Miles 24 to 26.2 again were along the water and it was lovely. I think I slowed down considerably just to admire the view. Of all the pictures I want to have in my minds camera this has to be in the top few.

Now almost every one was walking at maybe 3.5mph, some were shuffling and the shufflers slowly finished 2 min earlier. We ran the last 0.2miles- had to do that!
Got our blue Tiffany box from the firefighters, who looked sullen and uncomfortable-sorry guys, we didnt finish sooner adn u had to wait 7 hours for us- long day!

Got our T-shirt, it was cold and I was wearing my jkt, GB wore her T-shirt on her running one, they had run out of the mylar blankets, didnt get a massage as that area was full, ate half a bagel and some dry granola-no milk, the coaches wouldnt take us to union square so we got a regular bus. Overheard a conversation between two young girls, a first time half-M and the other who came since 2005 just for the Tiffany necklace. The experienced one said that the course had been changed and had more hills this time.

Reached our hotel , changed and took the train back home. Aching body, headaches, hungry and thirsty by turns, finished 3 bottles of water. Came home, family glad to see me back, went of to sleep after telling the 7yo a story-apparently mama tells the best stories.

Recounted the marathon experience to my husband-gratifying to note that he considers the distance to be too much, and was wondering why we stopped to take pictures. Hey, how could we not take pictures of this ?? Jst hope they come out good now.

Legs hurting the most today-the quads, and very thirsty, and very happy. Grateful to God for letting this be a wonderful experience, thanks to GB to help me acheive one of my lifes dreams, which became a goal later on, thanks to my parents for providing regular encouragement and nourishment, thanks to my husband for letting me take the weekend off.
There, that was my Oscar/Grammy speech.

So, the two sisters completed a marathon.
What next??
Maybe a mountain, tho I am scared of heights, well , that is why it would be something worth trying.
I can hear GB screaming blue murder when she reads this!!!